Elite Fitness Plus
Elite Fitness Plus (EFP) is an exclusive wellness company
focused on the long term health benefits of intelligently, “scientifically” designed fitness programs and properly balanced nutritional enhancement. We are setting the standards in the industry while bridging the gap between the medical community and comprehensive preventive wellness. EFP tailors our individual based result generating programs around YOU the client. Our warm and friendly staff and Elite team of degreed exercise physiologist are exceptional in what they do and have the training and education to provide an extraordinary experience

Our Commitment
Elite Fitness Plus offers some of the most highly educated fitness coaches in Southern California. All of our coaches have graduated with at least a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Kinesiology, Sports Medicine, or a related discipline. In addition to their degrees, our coaches commit to an internship that requires an additional 200 hours of practical work experience in our facility. Our coaches have the education and experience needed to take you through an appropriate workout that will benefit you the most.
Elite Fitness Plus does not believe in the ‘one size fits all’, or factory style workout model. Our university educated coaches have knowledge base to design a program for anyone. Whether you are a 90-year-old senior citizen struggling to walk, a corporate executive with limited hours and a full schedule, or a high level athlete, we can give you an exercise program that will most beneficial to you individually.
If you are one of the millions of Americans with joint injuries, our staff will work hand- in- hand with your orthopedist, doctor, surgeon, or physical therapist. Our staff will communicate personally with your medical professional and create an exercise prescription for you based on your capabilities and goals at any given time. In fact, many doctors and physical therapists in the area prescribe Elite Fitness Plus for their patients and we specialize in post-rehabilitation. With the help of your doctors, our coaches can assist in your rehabilitation and get you back to full strength and health simultaneously.

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