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Client Reviews

The following is an account of my incredible experiences with Elite Fitness Plus (FFP) over the last five months. I am providing this so that others who may be dealing from similar physical problems, or are elderly like me (75), or those of any age who want to regain their balance, posture, stamina and/or increase strength, I strongly recommend their fitness programs.
Several months ago I was diagnosed with a cancer, which was located in my left kidney. It was necessary to undergo surgery to remove the kidney in its entirety. This action resulted in the total removal of the cancer. For this I am truly thankful, but this experience was not without major consequence to me. Subsequently, I lost 30 lbs. of weight, suffered from an overall loss of strength, dizziness and a serious loss of balance.
I had always been an active person, and then I was not able to do any of the activities I loved. Prior to this operation, I was playing golf two to three times a week and capable of walking the course without a cart. This inability was unacceptable to me. I needed professional help in restoring my physical stamina and sense of balance.
My wife is a member of EFP, and had been for a few of years. She has suffered pain and difficulty with mobility due to severe arthritis, throughout her body for many years. Because of their excellent and individualized program for her, she has continued to remain mobile. She is able to walk, without aids and her pain has been greatly controlled. Because of her successes with EFP, I decided to give their program of personalized fitness training a trial.
Now, after only a few months, I am delighted to say that I have significantly improved my balance, strength and stamina, even beyond my expectations. This has proved to be the best decision I have made. Today, several months later, I have improved my strength and stamina and have restored my balance and posture.
I am a very satisfied customer of Elite Fitness Plus.


Iam an avid golfer but after completing a round at The Seabee Course, I could barely walk back to the car.  I prided myself on walking the course, but it was becoming clear I was heading for cart golf.  When I got home, I struggled to get out of the car.  I was sore and stiff.  Getting up our of a chair or off the floor was difficult.   I knew something had to change.
Weighing nearly 32 pounds more than I did when I left the Navy in 1994, I  joined EFP.    Three months personal instruction was very helpful in making me ready for small group classes.  For nearly seven years I have participated in small group classes for cardio, weight training, and recovery.  The transformation has been astounding.    Appproaching 70 (yikes!) I walk golf courses with ease.   I no longer look like Homer Simpson.  Now with a strong core, my belt size is more than 2 inches less than when I left the Navy although I weigh 3 pounds more (still down 29 lbs).  And my periodic bouts with significant back pain have disappeared.  I still get reminders but it usually corrects itself in one day.   My chiropractor has seen the difference with longer times between visits that focus on maintenance not pain.
It makes staying disciplined a lot easier when you know the people you train with care and are meticulous in helping you avoid injury by doing exercises correctly.   The dedicated professionals of EFP are responsible for my results along with my determination to attend classes on a regular basis, every week.
Unfortunately, my golf game has gotten worse, from a 5 to a 9 handicap.  However I have an excuse.  I tell my friends when I hit bad shots, my new strength and flexibility is killing my game.


It is not often that one receives much more than what is anticipated.  This is, however, the case with Elite Fitness Plus!  Professionalism, attention to detail, expertise, and concern are just a few of the adjectives that describe Mike Davis and his associates.  As in most endeavors, the proof is in the pudding, and after a year of Elite Fitness Plus coaching every measurable physiology of mine has substantially improved.  The experience of the coaching protocol is unequaled.  I whole heartily recommend the Elite Fitness Plus regime.


I have worked out at Elite Fitness Plus for more than a year and the results have been terrific.  I needed to improve my overall health and to help address some lower back issues.  Through this period I have found the coaches at EFP to be very professional, thoughtful, and knowledgeable.  And they are great to work with.  This is a very serious and intimate work out environment – with only serious clientele – exactly the type of gym that I needed.


“After training just 6 months at Elite fitness, my doctor told me I was in better shape now than I had been in the last 10 years. I feel great!”


“As the President and CEO of a large construction firm, I never realized how much stress I was under and how important taking care of my health was until I found myself in the hospital after a having a heart attack.
Unfortunately it took a heart attack to start taking care of my physical well-being.  This is when I became a client of Elite Fitness Plus.  It has been 8 years since I started an all inclusive fitness program and because of this program I feel stronger, more productive and more cardiovascular fit.  I lost weight and most importantly regained my health.
I have had several doctors’ appointments over the years and every time the doctor encourages me to stay with the program at Elite, because it works.  I feel like I am in the best shape of my life and it feels good to be reconfirmed from my doctor.  He has run several physiology tests and the test results have all shown that physically my heart is healthy and I have no other health issues.
Elite Fitness Plus has helped me over the years to really develop healthy lifestyle habits through nutrition, exercise and cardio.  Thank you for all the support and thank you most of all for giving me my health back.  You have showed me how important it is to take care of your health and well-being.
As a business owner under stress on a daily basis now, thanks to Elite, I understand the importance of establishing healthy lifestyle habits, believe this should be a priority in everyone’s life.  I am a true believer in Elite Fitness Plus’ quality fitness program and would recommend the program to anyone.”


I have been working out at Elite Fitness for two months now. The following is a brief summary of my experience so far:
Convenience A+… perfect for my busy schedule.
Reliability A+… gym open when they say and instructors ready.
Punctuality A+… I have never waited for a trainer/machine/shower.
Knowledge A+… I’m in the medical field..these guys know the body and it’s limits.
Individuality A+… All workouts have been designed to cater to my herniated disc.
Organization A+… Great notes are taken about previous workouts, diet and non-workout day exercise patterns.
Encouragement A+…Trainers know what to say and when to get the most out of you.
Friendliness A+…This place is truly the “Cheers” of workout facilities but you walk out with a healthy, natural high.
This is the honest truth and is a completely uncoerced testimonial.


Elite Fitness Plus = Results,
“Even for a full-time professional with a family who believed she’d never again have the time or motivation to get back into shape. I truly look forward to coming, and that’s saying something considering how hard you work once you’re here. Mike and the fitness coaches cultivate a warm, friendly atmosphere and they are so positive, motivating, knowledgeable and professional, you can’t help but move forward. I know that what I am learning here will help me maintain a lifestyle of health and fitness. You guys are the BEST.”


I have been training at EFP for 3 months and am extremely happy with my entire experience. Seldom, if ever, these days do you find a place where there is no weak link. The facility itself is very clean, attractive, size is perfect and the atmosphere is more like a martial arts studio than the usual “gym” feeling…which I love!!
Every coach has been so great to work with – professional, knowledgeable, inspirational, and pleasant to be with. There is not a minute of wasted time while you are there. The programs are so well planned with individual attention to the person being trained. You are pushed to your limit while being carefully monitored for safety.
The best benefit of the training is that it is also planned with your sport I mind. Golf is mine; the improvement in my play is enormous already. I don’t get that tired let down around hole 15 or 16 anymore…and I have gained noticeable distance on my drives (15-20 yards!), irons, and feel more strength and balance on all my shots…confidence is very comforting!! All in all, a terrific place. I feel better, sleep better, eat less, and smile more. Money and time well spent!!


I would like to take a moment to share my experience with Elite Fitness Plus with other clients as well as potential clients. I came to Elite at the beginning of October 2008. I was in reasonable shape. My body fat was 17%. My goal was to lose about 10 pounds. Increase my flexibility, posture and core strength for golf. Well, it is now the end of March. My body fat is 12.5%. I weigh 182 (10 pounds less). Most importantly I am now hitting all my clubs significantly longer! I am at least 20 to 30 yards longer with the driver. My irons go at least 10 yards longer than before!
The programs are intense, but worth it. I am 56 years old, 6’1″ tall and now weigh 182lbs.
David Leff


“Throughout my time at Elite Fitness Plus, the coaches and Mike Davis have treated me with so much respect.  The coaches worked with me one-on-one to ensure I achieved the best instruction necessary.  I have done many vigorous training sessions to improve my athletic performance.  My success being able to attend and play football at the division I collegiate level would not have been possible if I had not trained with EFP.  Having been to the upper level of collegiate sports and working with strength coaches who are known nationwide, then coming back to work with EFP coaches; it was reassuring to know that they were telling me the exact same thing the strength coaches told me.  The coaching at EFP is great.  They know what they are talking about.  Follow the plan they specifically make for you, and you will achieve much success as I have been fortunate enough to experience.
Thank you to all the coaches who have worked with me.  I look forward to working out here again in the future.”


I joined Elite Fitness Plus in early September 2008.  Elite is no ordinary health club.  The coaches are college graduates with majors in exercise physiology and kinesiology, whose one on one attention to detail and expertise in fitness training is unsurpassable.  Mike Davis and his extraordinary staff are exuberant, motivating professionals who have vastly improved my health and well being.  My life is challenging, balancing personal and professional.  I would spend an inordinate amount of time on my career, and zero time on my health.  I was fatigues at the end of the day, and feeling ancient.  I have increased my strength, cardiovascular and energy to a level I never thought possible.  The camaraderie and genuine personal interest they continually display is such a positive element in my life.  I love being there.


Elite Fitness Plus was a great resource at a time that I needed some extra support for my exercise regime.  I have always been self motivated and disciplined enough to not need a “private trainer”.  I recently had a job position that took so much time away from my regular exercise routine that I knew I needed some support.  I knew that if I had a scheduled time to work out with someone that I would stay motivated.  At first I thought I would be working out with the same trainer.  I was a little skeptical and not happy about working with different trainers.  I actually started to enjoy the variety of having to work with different trainers.  They all complemented each other  and every workout was different.  I never knew what to expect which kept it fresh and innovative.  The work outs were challenging yet tailored towards my fitness capacity.  I always felt confident with each trainer in their approach and expertise.
The staff sincerely cares about their clientele and strives to make each person comfortable and special.  I appreciate working out in an environment that is clean, well equipped, and never crowded.  It is truly a warm and professional setting.  I have recommended it to many people who are serious about their health at any age or level of fitness.  I even signed my husband up.
We are both satisfied with EFP and their friendly staff.  From the minute you walk into the facility you feel welcomed and attended to.  I see EFP as a great resource for my husband and myself in supporting our fitness foundation for years to come.


“I have been with EFP for over 3 years now.  Before EFP I never had a personal trainer, but I did workout at a local gym and was relatively active doing the same things year after year.  I hit a point when I stopped exercising.  I was bored and I knew it was time for a change.  I searched the Westlake Village area and visited every personal training facility there was.  EFP was my #1 and only choice.
Everyone is educated and biomechanics is 2nd nature to ALL of the coaches – It’s truly 1 on 1 training.
I am and because of EFP I’m in the best shape ever, physically I feel strong, my cardiovascular system is in top shape and I feel great all the time.  I can cross-country ski for hours, bike in the Santa Monica mountains all day and our back road bike trips are a breeze for me whether it’s 6 days of 8 hr biking in the Canadian Rockies or the hills of Italy – the biking is effortless so I can truly enjoy our trips to their fullest.
Also, through healthy eating habits and regular exercise, my cholesterol is down to 180 from over 300.  NO DRUGS!!!
EFP keeps me on track and dedicated to a healthy lifestyle that has personally affected every aspect of my daily life.  Exercise is not easy and making that commitment is even harder.  EFP made it possible and fun to stay motivated


My eleven strokes preceded ten years of working out with a personal trainer. I quickly reached a point where I was resigned to my physical limitations. Thankfully, my path led me to Elite Fitness Plus. After working out here for a bit over a year, I have noticed a dramatic improvement in my balance, coordination, and certain muscles are “firing” again that I had given up on.
The beauty of EFP is every coach is “present” with me in my workouts, motivating and fine tuning. Each session is hard work, but not intimidating and the atmosphere in the gym is friendly and comfortable…almost familial. I can’t say enough to anybody who is thinking of joining, but I can say you’ll be glad you did!


Since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 23 years ago and juvenile diabetes 37 years ago my active life has changed over the years. Elite Fitness Plus has been great for me. Mike Davis and all the Elite professional coaches have become so involved in my wellness. I am able to do many different everyday tasks which were difficult before I began working out. My strong legs are now able to transfer much easier than before. I am now able to accomplish everyday tasks, like getting in and out of the shower, using the correct muscle groups that the very capable coaches have helped me strengthened.
Daily, when I am confronted with a new challenge I think “How would a coach have me do this?” Life is now within my ability. The coaches, through their varied workouts, are able to help me use the correct muscles. They know how to change up the workouts so that I gradually get stronger.
Living with diabetes, my eating has always been better than most people. The nutritionist at EFP did give me a few tips which I hadn’t been aware of. EFP is dedicated to each client being fit throughout the day.


After undergoing a two level fusion of the lower lumbar in November of 2008, I had been given the green light to begin my post op rehabilitation.  As a Golf Professional and Director of Golf at Sherwood Country Club, it was extremely important that I work with a team of coaches that would help me to return to playing tournament golf and improve my overall fitness levels. The two most important decisions I had to make were the Surgeon and the rehabilitation team. Since day one I have been extremely impressed with Elite Fitness Plus, the facility and the staff. I am well on my way to achieving my goals and the professional manner of the coaches has been outstanding. I would recommend anyone who is interested in making a concerted effort to improve their overall fitness levels to allow Elite Fitness Plus to be a part of that process. Thank you


I came to Elite Fitness Plus for an obvious goal, to get in better shape.  My reasons of why I needed to get in shape were many.  I wanted to improve my agility on the tennis court.  I wanted to look better, but the first and main goal was to take pressure off my ailing back.  Born with Spondylollisthesis I’ve had constant back pain throughout my life.  I’ve found that the more overweight I was, the greater the pain.  By using the playbook that Elite Fitness Plus set up for me, I’ve become stronger and leaner, which has greatly dissipated the pain.  The staff at EFP was able to customize my workouts to alleviate pressure on my back and increase my strength.  My back has never felt so good.  What a difference!  In addition I’m playing higher level of tennis because my strength and quickness on the court has increased.  Elite Fitness Plus has really increased my quality of life and I am greatly appreciative to everyone there.  Thank you.


I have been working out at Elite Fitness Plus for almost two years.  My goals were injury prevention and to improve my athletic potential as a volleyball player.  The coaches’ high expectations push me to improve and work hard.  As an athlete, I have seen incredible results.  Thanks to Elite, my strength, power and stamina have improved dramatically and I have avoided injuries throughout my school and club sessions.


“Since my sophomore year in high school I have worked out at Elite Fitness Plus.  My experience has been incredible throughout all aspects of the program.  As an athlete it is essential for me to improve my speed, agility, strength, flexibility, and knowledge of proper lifting techniques.  The staff has helped me to substantially increase every factor of my game.  In the end, I believe my investment in Elite gave me the edge to be recruited and ultimately play Division I football at Lafayette College.
The facility and training program at Elite are all state of the art.  The best part about my experience, however, was the staff.  Matt, Ryan, Pat and Alicia treated me with absolute respect, were extremely knowledgeable of the training regiments and lifts necessary for my sport, and made every day highly beneficial, but very enjoyable as well.  I cannot say enough good things about all of the people who work at Elite.  I want to sincerely express my appreciation and thanks for how much they have helped me become a better football player and overall athlete.
While I am leaving for college, I plan to come back to work out at Elite on all of my breaks.  I would highly recommend Elite Fitness Plus to any athlete who wants to play at the next level or any person who just wants a fantastic private fitness facility setting with professional fitness coaches to help them get into shape.”


“Thanks for the off season workouts!”
Billy played for the Denver Broncos, Houston Texans and New Orleans Saints.


Elite Fitness Plus has provided my 2 kids, a college woman’s basketball player and a High school varsity baseball player, not only the physical and athletic skills to compete at their respective levels, but also the confidence that is so important to give them the mental edge over their opponents.
Mike Davis and his expert “coaches” designed very personal athletic goals for each child so that they could succeed in their respective sports.
Elite Fitness Plus is a fantastic athletic developmental program for any athlete who wants to take their game to the next level.”


I became a member at Elite Fitness Plus 4 years ago to finally make a real effort to get in shape.  I have never been around a more dedicated staff of fitness professionals.  The coaches and staff at EFP take a genuine interest in the progress I make with  my  program.  The enthusiasm and motivation they provide is the primary reason I have been able to maintain a consistent fitness program, and the results have been so rewarding.  They are like family to me and I am grateful they keep me moving forward in so many ways.  Get off your ass and join!


Just wanted to say thanks for what Elite Fitness Plus has done for me over the past five years and especially for last year. As you recall six months ago I was in terrible condition: I was finishing a series of grueling career exams that had been going on for three years and at the end of a heartbreaking divorce that I did not want and fought every step of the way. Years of stress decimated me: My glucose level went from under 100 which is normal to over three hundred which requires hospitalization. Cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and weight were also at dangerous levels. In short, I was at Death’s Door.
With your guidance on diet and exercise I got these numbers down and now they are better than ever. My cholesterol dropped 60 points, which is lower than it has ever been. I lost forty pounds, so I am now at my weight on my first day of college back in ’81. The glucose levels are now low rather than high and my doctors really don’t know what to make of it. They want to keep me in their waiting rooms as poster child for the benefits of diet and exercise.
While the benefits of Elite Fitness Plus are many, I would like to highlight a few I have found most valuable.
1.Consistency: You make the workout fun so I continue to attend, and never find a reason completing enough to skip a session. I slept through one four years ago and that is the last one I missed, but I made it up later.
2.Routines are Never Routine: In the five years I have been with you, I have yet to do the same workout twice. Indeed, no two were similar. This variety is fantastic. It keeps things interesting and allows me to push myself much further, since I am always working different muscle groups in different ways. Having yourself and three highly competent trainers assists greatly with this. Everyone abides to the same philosophy, but each has their own style and this ensures routines do not get routine.
3. Support; Encouragement: Between career, divorce, a knee injury and Diabetes, I have been though a great deal in the last five years and you folks were there for me every step. I cannot tell you how many times I felt physically and emotional terrible at the end of the day and wanted to do nothing more than go home and go to bed. No matter how bad I felt walking to the studio, I walked out feeling fantastic.
4. Maximizing Personal Potential: Although I loved sports and aspired to be a great athlete, I never was, but now at 45 I am in far better shape than the vast majority of men who were. You have done a great job of making the most of what I have.


(805) 494-4279

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